How We Can Help

We can provide you with a comprehensive service that includes writing, marketing, and content creation (photography + styling). 

Check out our service offering here.

Instead of hiring separate professionals for each task, you can save time (+ money) by partnering with us.  

Any work out of scope for us, including website and packaging design, can be outsourced by us to our (close) team of sub-contractors without a HEFTY mark-up.

Why Us?

Brand and Digital Marketing 

The owner of Roasted Rose - Casey -  has spent 13 years in the corporate world and has rich experience managing brands and campaigns.

Food Specific

If you're in the food business, take note: 

Casey is also a qualified and experienced chef. She knows how to create a dish with your product as the hero and feature. 


Casey graduated in Marketing Management from IMM and has a Grande Diploma from Silwood Kitchens in Cape Town.


Contact us via the contact form or email

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